Our Church

Mission Statement
Bethel Pentecostal Church seeks to be a Biblical ministry designed to encourage life transformation through evangelism one soul at a time. We strive to equip persons to serve the community and reach the world for Jesus Christ. We also strive to be holy in our living, reverent in our worship, compassionate in our love for souls, and excellent in our service.
Affirmation of Faith
(What We Believe)
Our Authority
We believe in the Bible to be the inspired Word of God and that in all matters of Faith and conduct it is the supreme Authority.
The Trinity
We believe in the Trinity of the father, son, and Holy Ghost.
Jesus Christ the Son
We believe that Jesus Christ was and is the Son of God, coequal in wisdom and power and holiness with the Father and that through His atonement the world is saved from sin and reconciled to God.
We believe that man, by nature is sinful and unholy being born in sin he needs to be born again, sanctified, and cleansed from all sins. We believe that salvation comes from a Sovereign and Just God and we receive this grace through faith in Jesus Christ alone not by our works. We are freed from sin, justified and made righteous in the sight of God through the work of Jesus Christ and sanctified by the work of the Holy Ghost.
Baptism of the Holy Ghost
We believe in the baptism of the Holy Ghost with the sign and seal of speaking in tongues as recorded in Acts 2:4, 19:6 and 10:46.
Water Baptism
We believe that the instructions given by us by the Savior as recorded in Matt 28:19-20 is sufficient for our guide and rule as the formula of water baptism, namely in the name of the Father, and the Son, and Holy Ghost.